Accelerate! With Andy Paul

1058: Competence Over Experience, with Christine Rogers



Christine Rogers is the President & COO at Aspireship. In today's episode, we discuss the greater role of competency over experience in becoming successful as a SaaS seller. Although there is a traditional preference for salespeople who have experience selling SaaS, Aspireship provides a course that highlights individuals who may not have the experience in SaaS but have proven, through actual work, that they in fact excel at sales. We unravel how their course provides this service free of charge and their 92% rate of success in placing reps in good standing. HIGHLIGHTS Aspireship: Finding competence and character over experience Training on objection handling, Salesforce, and customer experience Roleplaying tests detail-orientedness and its application Teachers and the hospitality industry are good at sales Helping talent acquisition find the best talent QUOTES Christine: "I believe that most sales leaders will tell you that some of their best hires they've ever made didn't look great on paper but t