Accelerate! With Andy Paul

1048: Selling the Cloud, with Mark Petruzzi and Paul Melchiorre



Mark Petruzzi and Paul Melchiorre are co-authors of Selling The Cloud: A Playbook for Success in Cloud Software and Enterprise Sales. And in our wide ranging conversation, we explore the current and future states of selling software to the enterprise. We dig into why Mark and Paul believe that, increasingly, software sales are about relationships. Plus, we explore why they believe that the sales stereotypes of yesterday are evolving for the positive. More on Andy: Connect on LinkedIn Get Andy's new book "Sell Without Selling Out" on Amazon Learn more at Sponsored by: | Unlock exponential growth with an AI-powered RevOps platform | Scratchpad | The fastest way to update Salesforce, take sales notes, and stay on top of to-dos | Explore the Podcast Universe: Sales Enablement Podcast RevOps Podcast Selling with Purpose Podcast