Out Of The Box With Christine

Smarketing: Smart Marketing Trends You Need To Know About!



In this episode of Out of The Box With Christine, we dive into the world of "Smarketing," where smart marketing meets brilliant strategies. Join us as we uncover the latest game-changing marketing trends that you need to know about! We're thrilled to have our special guest, Nathan Yeung from FindYourAudience.online, sharing his invaluable insights and expertise. Get ready to revolutionize your marketing game – hit that play button and let's embark on a journey to supercharge your Smarketing strategies! This Episode Brought To You By: http://www.HowDoICreateAPodcast.com - Learn How You Can Create Your Podcast in 30 Days or Less! LINKS: http://www.OutofTheBoxWithChristine.com http://www.ChristineBlosdale.com http://www.FindYourAudeince.online #marketing #podcast