Hacks & Hobbies

E532 - Darren Hunter - How to Transform Fear into Confidence and Master Property Management



Darren is an international real estate trainer and consultant based in Australia. Specialising in property management, He delivered training to the property management side of the real estate industry since 2005, with time and task management, effective communication and overcoming fee discounting requests. Darren has written an industry book called 'PM Fee Scripts Secrets' and is currently writing another on time management. Our Guest Darren Hunter InspiredGrowthTraining.com @CoachDarrenHunter Hacks to take away Hack 1: Affirmations and Brain Programming Use daily affirmations to program your brain with new beliefs about yourself and your abilities. Write down positive statements as if they have already occurred to change what you believe to be true. Your actions will align with your beliefs, so upgrading your beliefs can lead to achieving higher goals. Hack 2: Identify and Connect with Your Ideal Client Understand who your ideal client is and what pains or issues they face.