Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 32 - Appreciating and Celebrating!



Week 32 - Appreciating and Celebrating! You can read or listen on my blog - barbarafaison.com/blog Life is a journey. A trip. A deck of cards. Life defies a single definition because moment by moment, life changes. Life is different for each person every moment. Just as life changes, we change and grow based on our experiences.  Life simply is. Being alive is cause for celebration! Take a moment to think of a reason to celebrate. Treat yourself to something because you met a goal – celebrate! Perhaps you didn’t use your cell phone when you were having a meal. CELEBRATE! Every day find reasons to be grateful for life and celebrate! Sometimes it’s just as simple as not beating yourself up about something you did. Now that is cause for a major celebration. Think about the music you’ve listened to, the movies you’ve seen, the friends in your life and how they may have changed over the years. Treat yourself to something you enjoy. You deserve it. Affirm this: I celebrate life and I am grateful for all my life ex