Power Station

I've been kicked out of congressional offices for calling out racism and white supremacy



When Allen Morris is asked what a policy director does he gets to the point and is not shy: “I tell the President and Congress what to do.” As policy director of the National LGBTQ Task Force, Allen advocates for his community in Congress and in state houses where xenophobia, transphobia, and anti-Blackness dominate policy making. In states where the very humanity of LGBTQ people is under attack, the Task Force supports and partners with grassroots group and hosts kiki’s (social gatherings, for the uninitiated) a safe space to share information, fears, and joy. In this episode of Power Station, Allen talks about the singular contributions that the Task Force has made, over the past 50 years, in advancing LGBTQ rights. Queering Democracy, just one pillar of the work, along with its companions, Queering Equity, Queering Faith, and Building Power, is a window on a powerful template for nonprofit policy advocacy. It’s components, from Fed Watch, a collective deep dive into regulatory rulemaking to revving up part