So You Want To Start A Business

E183 Salle Huber - after years of working for others Salle knew it was time to start her own business & says "I wish I'd started earlier"



Salle Huber is a movement teacher with more than 15 years experienced. She is trained and fully certified in Stott Pilates as well as The MELT Method, which is a simple and innovative self-care treatment for our connective-tissue system.  In May 2021 Salle started her own business after deciding that she could no longer work for anyone else. She says "No-one believed in what I was doing (with my clients) as much as I did and so I decided that I would create my own studio where I could provide a highly personal service for people with a variety of abilities"  If you've listened to other episodes you know I ask "What would you do differently?" and Salle's immediate response was "I was I'd started much sooner" This is such a common response from business owners - wishing they had started sooner If you are thinking of starting your own business, this podcast is a terrific resource with stories from a variety of business owners - mostly personal service businesses Salle's contact information: Website:  www.theawar