Time To Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott

Getting Your Sexy Back! ~ Jackie Mott



Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  How long has it been since you felt truly sexy? What does that mean for you? The fact is that “sexy” is a highly charged word that can mean very different things to different people. Another unfortunate fact is that many women have gotten so busy with their day to day lives and responsibilities that they have completely lost touch with this vibrant, generative side of themselves. On today’s show, we’ll be talking about getting back in touch with our sexy side, how to bring that vibrance into your everyday life, and how to use this powerful energy to create more joy, more fun, and more laughter in your world! Are you ready?? Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive and join in the conversation!   Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspiredchoicesnetwork.com/chatroom *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott~  Jackie Mott is a Mindset Coach a