Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How To Stop Forgetting What Is Important~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  How to Stop Forgetting What is Important (and start forgetting what is not) Hello beautiful being, are you suffering from the memories swirling around in your brain of the things you’d like to forget, yet forgetting to remember what is important? This week is an auspicious week to open that container and have a look at what needs to be remembered and what could use forgetting. Imagine remembering how loved you are, how special you are and what your divine mission is? What if you could forget those things unconscious and maybe malicious people said to you 20, 30 years or even lifetimes ago and just let them go? Don’t want to wait for next lifetime? I suggest you join me live and participate in the show. But beware, nothing will ever be the same again. Jennifer’s clients are experiencing quantum leaps in how they approach their business and life, resulting in them dumping the negative mindset, tsunami emotions, flatlining energy and poisonous situations that were holding