Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How to Stop Bleeding Money ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  How to Stop Bleeding Money: Time travel to your past to preserve your wealthy financial future. Hello beautiful being, is money a thing for you? Even after all this time are you bleeding money out faster than you can infuse it in? Have I got a treat for you… we are going to have so much fun together! This week is an auspicious one to open the container and peek at all the places where our financial past may be affecting our financial present or future. What if our ancestors and non-physical beings (entities) could assist? Imagine if you: Learn to trust yourself financially and also learn a decision-making process so you learn who to NOT trust? Discover what freedom and financial freedom really mean to you beyond the fantasy of a multimillion-dollar windfall. How to stop your past failures from bleeding into your future like that one red sock in the whites cycle of the washing machine. I promise, by the end of this live show, you will have so many ways to be way more aw