Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How To Commit To Your Soul’s Calling And Cash In ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Is 2023 the year you commit to your true soul’s calling and cashing in on your unique talents and experiences? Or are you, like many, hiding behind problems with visibility, like who are you to ask people to pay you for your soul’s calling? By the end of this show you will: Know where to look for clues on your soul’s calling Discover how to commit to yourself and perhaps make a commitment Receive a gentle boot to the bottom in the right direction In tapping into the theme of this show I discovered so many talented people undervaluing the contribution that they make to this planet. The funny thing is that the people who are committing crimes against humanity have zero trouble accepting millions or billions for their time and “talents” I believe it’s time you got paid, maybe even overpaid, for what you do. Let’s change that! What if we play a game? I show you how to access your soul’s calling while being overpaid and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make