Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How to Trust Yourself as a Business Owner ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Do you trust yourself as a business owner? Is there always something that comes up that erodes your sense of trust in your business? I see this over and over and it’s possibly the #1 reason that businesses fail, a lack of trust. By the end of this show you will: Learn the 5 elements of T.R.U.S.T and know which are missing and what to do to turn them back on for success. In tapping into the theme of this show I learned that these 5 elements are the essential and beautiful parts of you as a business owner and creator and by only focusing on them, you will create more momentum and also more free time to do more of what makes you super happy. One of the 4 pillars of my coaching practice is Happiness and what brings more of that to my clients. Let’s get you more happiness and more trust in yourself! What if we play a game? I show you how to T.R.U.S.T and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make the time to attend live at 3:00 PST and log into the chatroom at l