What The Hell Happened To Them?

Blood and Wine



Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Jack Nicholson. An old friend visits the cast, but he's just not as fun as he used to be. Lev tries to find out the shocking true identity of a suspicious new sponsor... but then gives up. Patrick thinks he's solved a long-standing mystery of the podcast. What mystery? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in July 2023. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Blood and Wine' is available it seems only on DVD and VHS (no Blu-ray though): https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Wine-Jack-Nicholson/dp/B000BZISVM/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1E3BHTTWH4SL5&keywords=blood+and+wine&qid=1688521643&s=movies-tv&sprefix=blood+and+wine%2Cmovies-tv%2C151&sr=1-3 Music from South Park (so don't be mad at us) Artwork from BJ West   quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, jack, nicholson, syzygy, blood, wine, dorff, lopez, shark,