Bill Kelly Show

Is Ford’s energy roadmap taking us backwards? Ont. LTC homes w/ poor care are getting tax dollars & Councillors warning of massive increases for Hamilton taxpayers!



The Bill Kelly Show Podcast: Ontario is working toward filling all of the province’s quickly growing electricity needs with emissions-free sources, including a plan to secure new renewable generation, but isn’t quite ready to commit to a moratorium on natural gas. Energy Minister Todd Smith announced Monday a strategy to prepare the grid for 2030 to 2050 — the Independent Electricity System Operator projects Ontario’s electricity demand could double by mid-century — and next steps involve looking for new wind, solar and hydroelectric power. GUEST: Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Ontario Green Party and MPP for Guelph - While the Ontario government says it's on track to hit it’s target of 30,000 new long-term care beds by 2028, a CBC News analysis of government records found several of the homes that plan to expand with taxpayer support are run by operators with repeated violations or poor outcomes through the pandemic. Minister of Long-Term Care Paul Calandra says he is confident that homes will be compliant wi