Science Vs

Sex Drive: The Dirrrrrrty Science



Tons of people struggle to get revved up about sex. It can mess with their relationships and how they feel about themselves. So enter the multimillion-dollar supplement industry with miracle solutions. Even Big Pharma has joined the battle for our libido, with drugs that claim to work wonders. But what if our ideas about sex drive are completely wrong? What if a pill (or testosterone injection) isn't the answer? We dive into the groundbreaking science on libido — and what you can do if you can't get no satisfaction. With sex therapist Professor Heather Goltz, sexual health researcher Professor Caroline Pukall and endocrinologist Professor Waljit Dhilo. Find our transcript here:  In this episode, we cover: (00:00) Chapter 1: Our limping libidos (04:16) Chapter 2: Sex drive and testosterone (08:24) Chapter 3: Kisspeptin: The new kid on the block (17:13) Chapter 4: Libido-boosting supplements and medications (24:39) Chapter 5: When your libido takes work We're performing at Be