Limit Free Life With Michelle Perkins

EP 92 The Relationships Within Your Relationship With Money



You know by now, if you listen to the show, that you have a complex relationship with money, rooted in old beliefs and family and societal ideas handed down to you early on. Today, we will talk about the relationships that are attached to your money relationship - like the couple friends you have or the people you interact with as a result of your relationship. As a result of your money relationship, you have relationships with banks, creditors, investment advisors etc. These relationships directly impact your financial health and well being. They may be enhancing your life or draining your energy. Consider these relationships, listen to the show to understand how to think about them and gain ideas for how you can create better relationships in these areas to ripple out to expand your overall money relationship. I mentioned Dionne Perry's credit lit books which you can purchase through or by contacting me at michelle@limitfreelife.comFor much more on ALL things money mindset, money manageme