Bill Kelly Show

This Week in Canadian Politics: Federal Vote Poll, Does BoC really need to push inflation rates higher? & The Washington Report w/ Reggie Cecchini!



The Bill Kelly Show Podcast: Topics Include: ·        Conservatives edge ahead of Liberals in voter support ·        Trudeau boxed in from calling early election ·        Harassment complaints in House of commons ·        And more… GUEST: Dr. Lori Turbull, Director of the School of Public Administration with Dalhousie University - Canada’s inflation rate is one of the lowest among G7 countries, after a considerable drop in May — just in time, some fear, for another rate hike by the Bank of Canada in July. Which begs the question: if inflation is falling, does bank governor Tiff Macklem really need to push rates higher? GUEST: Armine Yalnizyan, Economist and Atkinson Fellow on the Future of Workers - Topics Include: ·        Prosecutors prepared to hit Trump ·        Biden to visit Europe ·        July 4th ·        And more…. GUEST Reggie Cecchini, Washington Correspondent for Global News