Sex With Dr. Jess

How to Be An Ally & Accomplice


Synopsis   What's the difference between an ally & an accomplice? How do health risks intersect with sexual orientation? What can we do to support those who are at greater risk? Why are discussions of interracial and mixed orientation relationships essential to DEI + justice work? Dr. Antony Chum of York University joins Jess and Brandon to discuss his recent research, which explores the link between sexual orientation and self-harm -- including the finding that bisexual women are three times more likely to attempt suicide than heterosexual women and gay men and lesbians are twice as likely as straight folks to engage in suicide-related behaviours. They discuss both causes and solutions -- on both personal and policy levels. Sexual expression and freedom for all are essential to pleasure for each of us, so this is an essential conversation for folks of all gender identities and sexual orientations. Antony is the Canada