Bill Kelly Show

Last Night’s Hamilton Town Hall Meeting on Encampments. Solution to High Food Prices at The Grocery Store? Homeowners Struggling High Building Costs. New Ontario Program to Recruit More Truckers.



The Bill Kelly Show Podcast: There’ve been lots of meetings recently in Hamilton Town Hall about the encampment situation. Lots of concerns voiced, lots of solutions thrown around, but what was accomplished? We get a recap of last night’s passionate meeting for you. GUEST: John Best, Publisher of The Bay Observer. - Food prices as high as they are, it’s more expensive than ever for a simple grocery trip. There may be a solution according to a new government report. GUEST: Marvin Ryder, Professor with the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. - Food prices are up, but so are building costs… and homeowners are struggling as a result. GUEST: Richard Lyall, President of the Residential Construction Council of Ontario. - And the Ontario government has launched a new program to recruit more truckers. It’s purpose? To get more women into the industry. GUEST: Jonathan Blackham, Director, Policy & Public Affairs for the Canadian Trucking Alliance.