Gender Reveal

Episode 150(!): Honey Mahogany



Tuck chats with activist, performer, and politician Honey Mahogany (she/her). Topics include:  Being one of the first official Drag Queen Story Hour performers Founding the world’s first transgender cultural district Collectively owning a queer bar with 17 other people  Lip syncing to Tranny Chaser with Jinkx Monsoon on RPDR Season 5 (lol) Plus: Adopting your drag name full-time and being “too pretty, too real!”  This Week in Gender: Ozzy shares good news from Arkansas and Florida. Find Honey on IG @honeymahogany. Submit a piece of Theymail: a small message or ad that we’ll read on the show. Today’s message was from M’s “New Me”. Join our Patreon ( to get access to our monthly bonus podcast, weekly newsletter, and other fun perks. Find our FAQ page, starter packs and episode transcripts at We’re also on Twitter and Instagram @gendereveal. Senior Producer: Ozzy Llinas Goodman Logo: Ira M. LeighMusic: Breakmaster CylinderAdditional Music: “Trod Along” and “Eggs and Pow