Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 25 - My M.A.P.



Week 25 - My M.A.P  All the links are at ⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/barbarafaison⁠⁠⁠ ⁠CHECK OUT THE NATIONAL MEDITATION PLAYLIST ON YOUTUBE⁠ Dear God, what positive, creative, constructive, thought, word, attitude, or action is the next step to move us forward in life? This is the prayer my husband, TD, and I say before he goes to work at oh dark 30. About 5:15 AM most days. It is adapted from one by Catherine Ponder. We each also say a personal prayer where we include appreciation for each other. How do you start your day? I love starting my day with prayer and gratitude. I've heard that without a map, or direction, you could end up anywhere. My M.A.P. is Meditations. Affirmations. Prayers. These are some of my practices. You may have heard me say that meditation is not a goal, it is a practice. Practice means to perform an activity, repeatedly or regularly to improve, or maintain one's proficiency. Train your brain. Be kind to your mind. Pay attention to what you’re thinking about and how you feel. We a