Dear Daughters

Creating a Cozy Bedroom | The Home Series | DD 201



Welcome to the Home Series on the Dear Daughters Podcast! God is the original homemaker. That’s what a listener said to me in an email a few weeks ago, inspiring this series. God made a safe, beautiful home for Adam and Eve in the Garden, and He wants us to have a safe, beautiful home, too. So how do we create that? Listen in to the Home Series this summer as, room by room, I’ll guide you in creating a lovely, cozy, beautiful home … a space for you and your people to grow together and love each other and honor God. I have sweet Jaclyn Byrd on the podcast with me. She just got married, is moving to a new home in San Antonio, TX, and has ALL the questions about how to create a cozy home … starting with the bedroom. Here are a few of those questions, asked and answered on the podcast (along with a few decorating and laundry pro tips). Why is it important to invest in your bedroom? How do you pick a mattress? What kind of sheets are the best? Do you change out the bedding for different seasons? What is the first