Frank Buck Consulting

How to Organize Evernote With a Better Tagging System



IntroductionRecap of previous episode: Comparing Evernote and Notion tagging.Importance of filtering information to find what's needed at the time. Segment 1: Notebooks vs. Tags The ongoing debate in the Evernote community regarding organization methods. The host's preference: Using both notebooks and tags. Segment 2: Evernote Sidebar Overview Description of the Evernote sidebar layout. Inbox as a temporary holding place for notes until they are categorized. Introduction to the "Current Projects" stack for works in progress. Utilizing digital task manager "Remember The Milk" for project-related tasks. Segment 3: Reference Notebooks Exploring the list of reference notebooks. Highlighting the stack for completed projects turned into reference material. Segment 4: Sharing and Collaboration The ability to share notebooks with others. Limitations of sharing tags. Segment 5: Benefits and Strategy of Using Tags Primary use of tags as dividers within notebooks. Creating tags corresponding