Power Station

In the year of Our Lord 2023, Jackson, Mississippi still has a water crisis



Every person, in every city, deserves to live the healthiest possible life. You could assume this is a shared national value, but our health outcomes tell a different story about America’s aspirations. Residents from the most marginalized neighborhoods in underinvested cities are subjected to living in unsound housing conditions under persistent threats of eviction, compromised by poor air quality and a lack of access to potable water. Recognizing that social determinants, factors that exist outside of a doctor's office, have an outsized role in the state of our health led the de Beaumont Foundation, a public health philanthropy, to take bold and evidence-based action by launching CityHealth. Its expert advisers and an outstanding staff advance policy solutions to health challenges based in science and validated by community leaders. They are cultivating relationships with Mayors, municipal leaders who are tasked with delivering a better quality of life and equity to their constituents even when their colleag