Freedom Becomes You With Julian Walker

Laurel Beversdorf on Yoga: Image and Function, Strength and Flexibility



Laurel and I talked about a lot in a short period of time. Here are some of the topics she observed that we covered: "My process from the beginning of my teaching until now - imitation to innovation. Why I continuously change and evolve how I teach. The importance of cross-training your yoga practice by doing more than asana. A teacher’s willingness to be self-critical and willfully step into the discomfort of asking why we teach what we teach. Why claims about yoga pose benefits are often epistemologically dubious because they lack specificity - who are we talking about when we say this pose will help with this particular body ailment or limitation and how do we know if that’s true if we lack mechanisms to measure these benefits? The difference between mobility and flexibility, active and passive range of motion. The difference between functional movement and aesthetically pleasing movement - is movement either/or? Or do we need to ask a better question? Conflict (or opportunity?) that can arise when