#amwriting With Jess & Kj

362: Talking Fat Talk and Substack Success: Episode 362 with Virginia Sole-Smith



SO. Virginia’s Substack—here it is right here—which also features a podcast, went from 700 people to 4500 people to 28K subscribers. BEFORE her new book, Fat Talk, hit the NYT best-seller list. Wouldn’t you like to hear how? We’ve got you covered. Replicating her success? Well, that’s never the way it works. But everything we learn helps.  Links from the pod: FAT TALK: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture @v_solesmith on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok The Eating Instinct: Food Culture, Body Image, and Guilt in America #AmReading Virginia: Momfluenced, Sara Petersen More Than You’ll Ever Know, Katie Gutierrez How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water, Angie Cruz KJ: Dear Committee Members, Julie Schumacher If you love a good writing retreat—especially one that comes with good solid coaching and the chance to meet others who are working on similar projects—here’s one to check out. This fall, three Author Accelerator certified book coaches are offering Mainely Memoir, a retreat for women writers in historic