Change Your Mindset

S6E11: Help Others Grow First with Lauren Schieffer



"As a leader, you cannot respect others if you do not respect yourself." Lauren Schieffer Our guest today is Lauren Schieffer, whose passion is helping organizations that want to build their next generation of leaders. Whether it's training, keynotes, or longer-term consulting partnerships, she uses her Nine Essentials of Significant Leadership to help transform the way managers think, makes decisions & act toward the people they lead. In her varied career, Lauren has navigated almost every aspect of corporate America – from trucking to achieving top-tier Sales Director status for a global cosmetics firm to managing a non-profit foundation. Today she is here to speak about her Nine Essentials of Significant Leadership and her perspective on how a leader needs to be accommodative of each person's differences. Lessons that the pandemic taught us and what we need to know from that. In leadership, the difference between significance and success is that success is about inward accomplishments that you have done. I