Power Station

A lot of climate anxiety stems from a belief that one person cannot create change



Annabel Collinson wants you to know that if you feel anxious and helpless about environmental conditions around the globe you are not alone. She shares the climate anxiety that is pervasive among young people whose futures are compromised by rising temperatures and their real-time harms, from warming oceans to sea level rise, economic disruption, food insecurity and the displacement, primarily of people of color, from their homes and communities. Annabel and her colleague Madeleine Ary Hahne, who have devoted years of study to environmental science, global security, human geography, and field work across multiple nations, came together to create an alternative response to environmental degradation. They co-founded, with Zoe Salt, Visions of Soon, a striking online platform designed to engage and empower a new generation in environmental learning and activism. They have coalesced a remarkably talented team of photographers, videographers, journalists and poets to profile, through a striking website and across