Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Losing 50lbs: Amber Sandberg: 341



Today I am sharing with you my program 50lbs down and how it pertains to the podcast. If you have been with me since 2016 or new to the show and just getting to know me this is a perfect episode to get the low down of what is coming.  If you have been struggling with weight loss especially if you want to lost at least 50lbs I am working on something special for you. If you don't know I got certified as a life and weight loss coach in 2021 and I lost over 50lbs in 2019 and it's my passion to help women lose weight for good. Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Make sure to follow me on IG I would love to hear from you, DM me any questions or just say hi! Check out how my coaching client lost over 40lbs: