Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 22 - How's Your Journey Going?



Week 22 - How's Your Journey Going? All the links are at ⁠https://linktr.ee/barbarafaison⁠⁠ CHECK OUT THE NATIONAL MEDITATION PLAYLIST ON YOUTUBE Over the decades I have heard many ways to describe meditation and one of my favorites is that meditation is mental hygiene. You brush your teeth daily (I hope) and groom and prepare yourself for the day. So if I brush my teeth, wash up, pick out the clothes I’m wearing and all the other things to start my day, why wouldn’t I prepare my mind? Hmmm. I mean, I will be using this beautiful mind ALL DAY LONG. Meditation is deliberately increasing your capacity to focus and concentrate. Where you place your ATTENTION and set your INTENTION is where your energy goes. Think about the last time you really focused on something, what was the outcome? Meditation is a PRACTICE - a procedure or way of doing something, like breathing, moving or visualizing. So I have practice times daily where I might focus on my breathing or just sit out in nature and observe my breath and