Bletchley Park

E23 - The Transformation of Bletchley Park



June 2014 The transformation of Bletchley Park is now complete & on the 18th of June, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge will visit to launch the completed restoration. In this month’s episode we take you inside Code breaking Huts 3 and 6 & the new Block C Visitor Centre with the first people to see them restored to their wartime glory; the Veterans themselves. We join RAF Veteran Sergeant Bernard Morgan when he met his modern day equivalent, RAF Aerospace Battle Manager, Flight Lieutenant Vikki Thorpe, on a recent visit to Bletchley Park. He shares his D-Day memories with us & finally gets to use the once Top Secret Type X machine that he used to help direct aircraft in the days following the Normandy landings; that he thought he would never see again. The importance of Bletchley Park’s role in the D-Day deception should not be underestimated. Senior Archivist, Richard Lewis & founding member of the Bletchley Park Trust, Peter Wescombe, explain how messages decrypted at B