Staffing & Recruiter Training Podcast

TRP 149: Turning a cold email into a Hot Profit with Nick Hill



Co-Founder of At MyConversation we've used over 30 years of experience of B2B sales & marketing, solving problems through technology, and driving revenue for our own businesses, to combine our humanized & compliant technology with a team of experts who understand how to start conversations with your ideal clients & partners. There are three key steps to doing this: 1 - Understanding your ideal client and how to get their attention (AVATAR) 2 - Knowing where to find them and how to contact them (TARGETING) 3 - Saying the right thing at the right time to start the conversation (MESSAGING) By analyzing extensive campaign/contact data across multiple industries for multiple clients, we're able to create optimized & humanized campaigns that provide the right information to help informed buyers say yes to your products/services (at a much lower investment than hiring an SDR). Email if you'd like to learn more. Links htt