Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Chakras, Energy, Senses, God-spark, Intention, Core Values



Welcome to Angels Don't Lie with Jeanne Street!  Jeanne is a God based medium, owner of Inspirit Healing Studio and author of the book The Goddess You.  Angels Don't Lie is a show dedicated to healing and love.  Jeanne takes live questions during the show, every Tuesday at 7PM EST (Call> 646-891-5252), listen to the show live on the web player at or you can email a question to  Broadcast : April 18th, 2017 Jeanne's topic tonight was Chakra.  Chakras, "The Goddess You" - Principle Seven, are energy centers within your body.  What are you holding in?  Breathing and your journal can be great tools to help open up and release energy.  Jeanne offers a free download to help clear your energy, visit for yours now!  Jeanne covered the chakras in between calls.  First - Root or Base, prime function grounding and security.  Second - Sacral, intimacy, letting go, emotional needs.  Third - Solar Plexus, gut instinct, intuition, vital energy.  Fourth - Heart (G