Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

How to show up for yourself, being of service, Empowerment, Salt Cave, Abused Women, Soul Cleansing



Welcome to Angels Don't Lie with Jeanne Street!  Jeanne is a God based medium, owner of Inspirit Healing Studio and author of the book The Goddess You.  Angels Don't Lie is a show dedicated to healing and love.  Jeanne takes live questions during the show, every Tuesday at 7PM EST (Call> 646-891-5252), listen to the show live on the web player at or you can email a question to  Broadcast : April 25th, 2017 Angel Don't Lie was blessed to have June Robideau from KBJB's Warped View on the show with her wonderful insights.  Jeanne's thread tonight was being of service.  Jeanne talked about her upcoming event in May and invited Sue Martovich owner of Salt of the Earth ( to call the show.  Sue explains her mission to serve people with alternative methods of healing.  She talks about the importance to find time and ways to unwind and shed the stress.  The salt cave helps cleanse the body.  Jeanne tells how fear came to her on the way to do a reading