Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Charkas, Hormones, Ashwaganda, Archangels



  Welcome to Angels Don't Lie with Jeanne Street!  Broadcast : June 20th, 2017 Jeanne's show topic tonight - reading your chakras, super foods and dose, getting control of the hormones.  Jeanne starts the evening on a divine tone by reading a quote from Meditations with Teresa of Avila, A Journey into the Sacred, by Megan Don.  The charka conversion starts with ourselves and we can also read others.  Jeanne helps break it down.  Hormone and thyroid health, adrenal fatigue, and Jeanne explains the connection.  Don't forget the kelp!  Different energies are explained - earth, fire, water, wind.  Nutritional tip - ashwaganda - adaptogen, helps with cancer, Lymes, memory. Jeanne gets calls tonight from Lisa and Jillian.  Lisa needs guidance about moving forward, be ready for some tears!  Jillian needs some advice about an issue at work.  Jeanne recommends calling on the Archangel Gabriel - must listen how to! Goddess You four part webinar is in progress, not to late to get involved - Send an