Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Hemp, Signs - 5 steps, Root Chakra, Yoga, Callers in need



Welcome to Angels Don't Lie with Jeanne Street!  Broadcast live on location: August 1st, 2017 Jeanne is a Leo and August is her month!  Signs, signs, every where signs!  Jeanne goes deep into signs - 5 clear steps to see the signs and what they mean to you.  Must have app for deciphering numbers.  Would you believe Jeanne talks about journaling?  Chakra energy is discussed and Jeanne starts at the root, the Root Chakra - it's tone, its color and the part it plays in your life.  Ready for some yoga to help your Root Chakra? Announcements!  Laughs and Loved Ones, A fundraiser for - Team Cultec, Vanishing White Matter Disease.  Callers!  Oh boy did we have callers, earth angel little Mariah, Kathy - moving, Trish - patience and Cindy asking for prayers. Nutrition Tip - Hemp - similar to cannabis but without the psychoactive effects.  Don't miss all the good info about this superfood! Lots of information about Inspirit Healing Studio,, work on her new book and more!  Don't miss it! Send