Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Oracle Cards, Guided Meditation, Wheatgrass, Alkaline State



Welcome to Angels Don't Lie with Jeanne Street!  Broadcast live on location: August 22nd, 2017 Jeanne has been celebrating her birthday month and feeling lots of energy from the eclipse!  She gives away birthday gift....listen to see who wins.  Tonight Jeanne gives some insight into Oracle cards, the proper way to reach the divine and how they will tell a story.  Why 3 cards?  Using the journal is a vital part to help your record your story.  Jeanne takes us on a beautiful guided meditation to ask the angels about our purpose and our next step.  Grab your journal write down everything you see, feel, taste and hear.  Your senses will help tell the story.  Announcements!  Inspirit is offering a free Reiki class to those in the area.  Laughs and Loved Ones, September 16th, a fundraiser for - Team Cultec, Vanishing White Matter Disease.  Upcoming events including a free Reiki class and many other exciting classes - register at Callers!  Celeste calls from New Jersey to reach out to her