Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Diverticulitis - causes and solutions, Lucky Gambino, Member's Questions!



Jeanne has a jammed packed show tonight and also celebrates the 52nd episode of Angels Don't Lie!  One year of amazing readings, nutrition and wellness tips put out over the airwaves on KBJB and podcasts at  Jeanne introduces the new theme song she co-wrote with Lucky Gambino - Angels Don't Lie.  Wait until you hear the amazing story about putting the song together.  We get a update about the great successful Soulful Saturday. Jeanne offers some insight into diverticulitis.  A debilitating condition caused by inflammation in the intestines and can even lead to perforations causing a life threatening situation.  Jeanne lists a few of the things which cause the inflammation - alcohol, eggs, seeds and the many more.  The best part, Jeanne offers help to overcome the inflammation with natural solutions.  Bone broth, digestive enzymes, probiotics and tumeric just to name a few!  Listen carefully if you suffer from this condition! A caller, we are blessed, the one and only Lucky Gambino calls the