Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Lissencephaly and Braedyn, Callers, Holistic Nutritionist, Be an Observer



Jeanne has a very special guest tonight! Katie is the mother of baby Braedyn. Braedyn was born with a rare brain disorder called Lissencephaly. Since Jeanne has been doing healing work with the family, Braedyn's diagnosis has changed! We’ll be talking about how Jesus guided the healing, what the Angels revealed and how a miracle happened after his last MRI scan. An emotional show beyond words. Sheryl, Katie's mother, calls to give an amazing testimony about what Jeanne is doing and the journey for the whole family. Jeanne does an incredible meditation to help you be an Observer. Don't miss it! Callers! Jillian, AL, Jeanne sees a bunch of steps, where do they lead? Patti, IA, concerned about great grand daughter heading to kindergarten with a speech issue; Ron, NV, fighting cancer and having a rough time, looking to the angels for assistance, Jeanne recommends a holistic nutritionist, Jeanne gets a text about and Doctor Donald Yance in Oregon; As always please send prayers to all our gues