Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Journey Of Self Acceptance



On today’s Angels Don’t Lie session you get a front row seat with master coach, life artist, speaker and author Carmell Clark.     Carmell comes to this session with a vital topic for us:  How we ignore our journey of self acceptance and why we need to do the work now!   Carmell opens the conversation with a story of a personal awakening that occurred for her at the age of 19. She described it as a time that she took stock on the inside and listened to, trusted and followed every single feeling and thought that came up. She allowed it to completely come through and tell her the truth of herself right then and there. Then, after that moment. She was not the same person! She said “That moment was defining for everything else in my life that would come.” She references that moment and others like it that have come along her journey, every time she feels herself out of alignment. It is the solidness inside of her when the bottom drops away that helps her recalibrate and come back to herself as her reference point