Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Finding Our Voice on Matters of Race in an Energy Sensitive World



Angels Don’t Lie June 26th 2020 with guest Billie Streets In this Session Billie opened up the conversation on Racism. Talking about race we must first acknowledge and understand the truth of the history of racism in this country – not the whitewashed version we all learned in school. DOWNLOAD A FREE RESOURCE GUIDE conversation-on-race-and-finding-our-voice-resourcesDownload   We have to be willing to have the hard conversations. We have to be willing to be uncomfortable. We have to hear from each other – how all of this feels, be willing to answer and ask the questions on our heart. We can never stop listening! Speak up! We all have to step up with our friends and family. If someone says something racist or inappropriate about race, sexual preference, religion…. Stop them in their tracks – let them know it’s not ok and let them know why it’s not ok for you. Educate – Educate – Educate Educate yourself – read, watch, listen Educate your children Join organizations, clubs or activities that will enable you an