Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Awakening, Near Death Experience, Brene Brown , Stand Up For Health, I Am That I Am



My guest this week shares his awakening and near death experience with us.   From Ham...  I Am That I Am : Illuminating The Divine Within Ourselves and One Another  "When we walk into our story and truly own it, we get to write the ending". - Brene Brown   Even when we’ve been chosen and given a clear sign from God that our prayers have been heard, it remains up to each one of us to stand up and answer the call….make the choice to serve.   This discussion will explore one man’s journey from misery to finding his mission.  How a death sentence can illuminate so much about life and the choice that each one of us can make to change our mindset and alter the course of our lives anytime we choose.   I encourage everyone to visit my Events Page on my new non-profit organization’s web site.  I am building a like-minded community of wellness advocates, empowering underserved communities by providing educational tools to inspire healthier living through physiological optimization.  All of my events