Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Medium Mentoring with MaryAnn DiMarco



I'm SO EXCITED  to share this episode of Angels Don't Lie with you! My guest is one of my "SHERO"S" and a fellow medium MaryAnn DiMarco. MaryAnn is beyond amazing and to no surprise to me as the amazing LIGTH worker she is, she showed up and served up so much love in this episode that you will feel as blessed as each of the audience members and I do. Grab a cup of tea or wine and sit back and enjoy our conversation!  Find out more about up coming trainings and working with MaryAnn... Social Channels Instagram FacebookYouTube   Past Life, Chakra Balancing & Motivational Readings: APPOINTMENTS HERE  *The waitlist for general psychic readings is currently closed. Intuitive Development Training & Workshops *NEW* EVENING CLASSES  Automatic Writing Workshop – Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 7:30pm – 9:00pm, EST REGISTER HERE Designing Your Soul Contract Workshop – Wednesday, November 18th, 2020 7:30pm – 9:00pm, EST REGISTER HERE WEEKEND “CONNECTING WITH SPIRIT” TRAINING WORK