Dining For One Health And Wellness Show

D41 E1: The Art of Extreme Self Love w/Rosie Battista



This Episode is Sponsored in Part by Help Me Move On.com Our guest is not interested in why you can’t. Rosie believes you can. She believes that anything is possible, no matter what your age or stage. Rosie entered her first body building competition at age 50, transforming her physical body and embarking on a spiritual path that has changed her life. Losing 38 pounds in 16 weeks and gaining back her confidence was the beginning. It was at this age and from this stage that she discovered the secret to an amazing life. Rosie helps woman feel better about themselves. Lose weight. Gain confidence. Feel, think and look better. It is her passion and purpose to help clients discover the amazing gorgeous women that they are by reminding them of their divinity. The practices of excellence in nutrition, extreme self love and extraordinary care, are the building blocks for creating the best version of yourself.