Dining For One Health And Wellness Show

D41 E3: Energy Healing and Transformational Coaching wBelinda Ortiz



This Episode is Sponsored in Part by Help Me Move On.com It is my highest excitement to help people feel better, find their true selves, get clarity, and reclaim their power; which will help them create the life they desire. My mission in life is to help people realize that it is our birth right and within our grasp to create the life we want. We are all unique and powerful, and the painful hard times are temporary. Change starts inside of us and from there we can reflect onto others our inner divine light. I can help you develop a personalized program specially that will identify, change and heal negative core beliefs, behavioral patterns, vibrational blockages in the energy body, and misalignments with the Self, that negatively impact your emotional and physical health, so you can start living the life you desire!