The Great Love Debate With Brian Howie

GLD 404 - The Badass Woman Always Wins



Is there a better way to listen to - or tune out - your biological clock? "Badass Fertility" host Kathryn Bregman drops by to talk about the realities of reproduction, why mindset matters most, how to tune out the naysayers and the noise, the questions that need to be asked, how to be a loving partner, the keys to balancing hope with science, the steps you can take to increase your odds, and much much more!Kathryn Bregman is a Fertility Mindset Specialist. Her greatest passion is to support women who have lost themselves, their bodies, their relationships or their sense of hope while trying to become a mom to once again find their way. After years of struggling to conceive, Kathryn started working on her mindset and became pregnant naturally within months (even after failed IVF), right before her 40th birthday. Today, Kathryn teaches the action-oriented steps and spiritual tools she used to become pregnant to all the brilliant, badass women who work with her so that they can become the moms they are meant to