Say That

564 - Crunchwrap Supreme (We Cry Out)



Ask A Question: (Anonymous) Jesus says the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love your neighbor. Does this mean there are times we have to choose loving God over loving people? (17:26-29:52) There is a lot of talk about “following your passion” in things like career, but also in the church about “using your passions for the Lord”. There is lots of stuff I like but I don’t know that I really have a “passion” I want to pursue. Is that okay? Am I missing something? (29:52-45:03) How do you balance serving others with having your own boundaries? Is the Christian thing to always go with what’s best for the other person or the way they want thing to go at the expense of what you would prefer? (45:06-58:14) Closing Song: Save Me From My Sins (Jed Brewer)