Ecommerce Evolution

Episode 229 - How DTC Brands Sabotage Their Own Success



Chris Brewer is an agency veteran, marketing expert, and former golf pro. Not to mention my business partner and OMG Commerce’s co-founder. Each year, Chris has the privilege of talking with hundreds of DTC brands, both big and small. He hears about their goals, struggles, plans, and more. As a strategist, I also consult with large-scaling eComm brands. Through our perspectives, we’d like to highlight ways in which great brands get in their own way and offer some candid advice when it comes to working with agencies.  We love the brands we talk to and the clients we serve. But, like anyone else, brands can sometimes overlook how they inadvertently hinder their own growth. Here are a few topics we cover that we hope you’ll find helpful: Having goals that aren’t battle-tested. Still thinking like it’s 2020 in some areas of your business. Prioritizing automation and tools over strategy. Shooting for perfect data and ignoring actionable data. Stopping short of getting results. When you shouldn’t hire a