Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.114: Tapping Into Your True Potential with Alundas Havens



In today’s episode, we are joined by fellow Podcaster, Veteran, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and CEO and Founder of Alpha Influence Media, Alundas Havens. He talks about his experiences and what inspired him to take action and make the change to become better. He also shares how everything he’s been through set him on a mission to connect with other entrepreneurs, business owners, and thought leaders and find out how to make a significant impact on the community.   Alundas is a Father, Marine, Husband, Servant Leader, Business Owner, Entrepreneur, and Podcast Host   Alundas teaches from a place of vulnerability, where he goes in-depth on his struggles as a man by detailing his life for his fellow brothers. He focuses all his energy on helping his previous self get through life, whether stacking wins or finding out why we prevent ourselves from winning. Alundas finds answers on how we can become eternal warriors that evolved in every aspect of life.   Learn more about Alundas: Website: