Kensington Church | One Church, Many Locations

Episode 2: Parenting through Trauma



Another school shooting. We're outraged, terrified, and numb. Close to home were both the Oxford High School and Michigan State shootings. Listen in as we talk with Jesse and Andrea Holt of Lakepoint Community Church in Oxford about their experience caring for high school students and their families in the wake of the Oxford shooting, and how they have helped to bring long-term healing to their community through the Resiliency Center. Talking Points: 1. After another school shooting, we're asking hard questions: Where are our children safe? What role does faith play in navigating trauma? 2. The mental issues common among children following a traumatic event are significant; we need to lead them to help. 3. Parents have the unique position to guide their children spiritually through trauma toward healing. Resources: Find someone to talk with you or your child at The Resiliency Center in Oxford, Michigan - a safe place for crisis intervention, access to mental health care, commemorative events, and resourc